while my guitar gently weeps[2013年莫文蔚新專輯主打歌]

while my guitar gently weeps[2013年莫文蔚新專輯主打歌]
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12/3 首波主打<While My Guitar Gently Weeps> Hit Fm首播

莫文蔚舉辦2013年1月18日推出的爵士專輯《Somewhere I Belong》聽歌會,她計畫除了唱片外,還將辦出道20年個展,最希望就是能夠找出收藏許久,但「行蹤不明」,在電影《食神》雙刀火雞的造型大鋼牙作展覽。


莫文蔚這張爵士專輯《Somewhere I Belong》從籌備到製作發行,花了22個月,從醞釀策劃、選歌、獨自一人到挪威與製作人靈感撞擊找尋方向;與來自日本、韓國、北京、上海等地,彷如“小型聯合國”的樂手團隊飛往上海進行錄音,到專輯概念等創意發想,莫文蔚全程帶頭參與製作。


While My Guitar Gently Weeps


所屬專輯:《Somewhere I Belong》



歌詞:I look, at you all, see the love, there that's sleeping,
while my guitar, gently weeps.
I look, at the floor, and I see it needs sweeping,
still my guitar, gently weeps.
I don't know why, nobody told you,
how to unfold your love.
I don't know how, someone controlled you,
they bought and sold you.
I look, at the world, and I notice it's turning,
while my guitar, gently weeps.
With every mistake, we must surely, be learning,
still my guitar, gently weeps
I don't know how, you were diverted,
you were perverted, too.
I don't know how, you were inverted,
no one alerted you.
I look, at you all, see the love,
there that's sleeping,
while my guitar, gently weeps.
Look at you all...
Still my guitar, gently weeps.

